Idrotta, Krypa upp med en god bok, Med familjen, Besöker ett museum eller galleri, Komma ikapp med hushållssyslorna, Sysslar med min hobby, Volontärarbete, Ta en promenad, I naturen
Comfortable in her own skin, cultivator of inner beauty, loyal, honest, physically fit, sense of humor, maternal and optimistic!
Om jorden gick under om 30 dagar, vad skulle du göra?
Thank God for the blessings in my life! Spend my time with my children and the love of my life! Travel to see my family and friends to thank them for their friendship! In our private time, I would make sweet love to the love of my life and get lost in her body and soul, as she in mine.
Om du hade 10 miljoner dollar att spendera, vad skulle du göra?
I would pay off all the debt of my entire family, start a college fund for my kids, establish charities in my dearly departed family members names, buy a liveaboard trawler to explore the world and put the rest in an investment to live off of while my love and I travel!
Hur ofta och av vem frågar du om råd?
I am very close to my siblings who have always been the truth tellers that I trust. We speak every week.
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av ditt kön?
I value humility in men.
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av motsatt kön?
I value nurturing in women.
Vilket är det bästa rådet du skulle ge dina barn?
I tell my children that if they are honest, direct, tactful and respectful, then they can speak with anyone with righteousness.
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