I'm content with my life. But now I feel ready for real love. A woman I can treat as my friend, my lover and my princess. I know I will take that challenge and responsibility seriously as life itself and I also know I will succeed. Because we will succeed. To make something very special that will last a lifetime. And if I can be honest, I never had a one night stand..That intimate relation has to be learned with one woman, Over time. I know playing hard to get pays off. It does so in business too. But I don't like it. I don't care what pays off. I'm honest. No games. Games are for boys. I will tell you what I think. What I mean and what I feel. Without filter.
Як би ви описали свого ідеального партнера?
Smart, feminine, elegant and with a smile always lurking through some sharp and intelligent eyes.
Якби через тридцять днів настав кінець світу, що б ви робили?
I would take my princess, her children and my son and live the heck out of those days on Bora Bora or the Maldives.
Якби у вас було зайвих 10 мільйонів доларів, що б ви зробили з ними?
Probably put them into my woman's bank account without telling her and wait for her reaction.
Як часто і з ким ви радитесь?
Chat GPT. My sister. Myself and a few friends.
Яку якість ви найбільше цінуєте в особах своєї статі?
Intelligence, empathy, humility and action.
Яку якість ви особливо цінуєте в протилежної статі?
Intelligence, empathy, humility and action.
Місце, де я хочу жити
If it was possible, on an Maldivian island.
Майстер доброчесності
Майстер активності
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